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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
Boots Opticians
miles away
0345 1253764 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £25.00
Braywick Health
miles away
01189 897502 Private Treatment Session from £48.00 (30min)
Middle Gordon Road
miles away
01276 23370 NHS NHS Price Banding Applies
Hygiene appointments done by dentist
Fernhurst Pharmacy
miles away
01428 644050
For Eyes Services
miles away
01372 879238 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £20.00 (free if glasses purchased)
Thamesway Physio
miles away
01344 869771 Private Initial Assessment from £58.00 (60min)
Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 per session
Camberley Dental Practice
miles away
01276 61626 NHS Private New Patient Consultation from £50.00
Routine Check-up from £40.00
X-ray from £9.00
Hygienist from £75.00 (first appointment) and from £50.00 thereafter
Hygienist appointment for students from £35.00 - from £40.00 depending on age.
Boots Pharmacy
miles away
01252 860508
Simon Horgan Practice
miles away
0207 0609911 Private Intial Consultation from £230.00
Dena Smith Acupuncture
miles away
07971 340871 Private Initial Assessment from £60.00 per (90-120min)
Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 (60min)