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Name | Telephone | NHS/Private | Cost |
The Westway Clinic
miles away
01737 762990 | Private |
Initial Consultation (30 mins) from £42.00 Follow-up Treatments (30 min) from £42.00 |
miles away
0208 3933337 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £49.00 (45min) Follow-up Treatment from £38.00 (30min) |
Surrey Orthodontics
miles away
01483 421511 | NHS Private | Free Initial Consultation |
Camberley Pharmacy
miles away
01276 684633 | ||
Specsavers Opticians
miles away
0208 3367620 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test and Hearing Test Private Eye Test from £20.00 |
Priory Osteopathic Clinic
miles away
01737 821111 | Private |
Initial Consultation (30 min) from £40.00 Follow-up Treatments (30 min) from £40.00 |
Headache and Migraine Clinic
miles away
02083 933038 | Private | Initial Assessment from £160.00 (120 min) |
Godalming Orthodontic Practice
miles away
01483 418750 | Private | Two Initial Consultations Required (each 15minutes) from £80.00 |
Boots Pharmacy
miles away
01276 21973 | ||
R Woodfall Opticians
miles away
0208 3372059 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test Private Eye Test from £30.00 |