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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
Barron Chiropractic Clinic
miles away
01932 227360 Private Initial Assessment from £90.00 (80min)
Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 (40min)
Boots Pharmacy
miles away
01252 542021
Specsavers Opticians
miles away
0208 9746677 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test and Hearing Test
Private Eye Test from £20.00
Wellmead Osteopathy
miles away
01372 897497 Private Initial Consultation from £55.00
Follow-up Treatments from £45.00
Anne-Christina Hitchin
miles away
07917 716379 Private Individual Counselling from £40.00 (50min)
Shepperton Physiofirst Centre
miles away
01932 827222 Private Initial Assessment from £50.00
Follow-up Treatment from £40.00 (30min) or from £50.00 (45min)
Woodbridge Hill Dental Practice
miles away
01483 568584 NHS Private New Patient Consultation from £25.00
Routine Check-up from £38.00
Xray from £7.00
Hygienist from £50.00 (30min)
Boots Pharmacy
miles away
01252 545689
Boots Opticians
miles away
0345 1253764 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £25.00
Fine Fettle Multi-Healthcare
miles away
01372 458984 Private Initial Consultation (60 min) from £55.00
Follow-up Treatments (30-40 min) from £46.00