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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
Richmond GP (OOH) Service Primary Care Centre
miles away
111 NHS Free on NHS
Lightwater Physiotherapy
miles away
07876 654321 Private Treatment Session from £55.00 (60min) or from £35.00 (30min)
Horley Health Centre
miles away
01737 231350 NHS Not applicable
M S Dean & Associates
miles away
0208 6482935 NHS NHS Price Banding Applies
Hygienist from £59.00
Infohealth Pharmacy
miles away
0208 6601406
The Optical Studio
miles away
01252 717717 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Tests start at from £30.00
Haslemere Osteopathic and Sports Injury Clinic
miles away
01428 651067 Private Initial Consultation (30 min) from £48.00 to from £55.00
Follow-up Treatments (30 min) from £48.00 to from £55.00
Amanda Warren Counselling
miles away
07808 070307 Private Individual Counselling from £45.00 (50min)
Couples Counselling from £50.00 (50mins)
Concession available
Ashford Primary Care Centre (OOH)
miles away
111 NHS Free on NHS
Bridgeview Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic
miles away
01276 472040 Private Initial Assessment from £49.00 (45min)
Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 (30min)