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Name | Telephone | NHS/Private | Cost |
Gregory and Seeley
miles away
01483 272629 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test Private Eye Test from £40.00 |
Frimley Osteopathic Clinic
miles away
07905 891071 | Private |
Initial consultation (60 min) from £50.00 Follow-up Treatments (45 min) from £40.00 Children under 16yrs and adults over 65yrs from £35.00 |
Psychologist Farnham
miles away
07949 243275 | Private |
Individual Counselling from £110.00 Couples Counselling from £120.00 Family Counselling from £150.00 |
St Marks Hospital Primary Care Centre (OOH)
miles away
111 | NHS | Free on NHS |
Farnham Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic
miles away
01252 726479 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £60.00 (45min) Follow-up Treatment from £43.00 (30min) |
Epsom Clinic
miles away
01372 741973 | NHS | Not applicable |
Caterham Dental Care
miles away
01883 343476 | NHS Private |
New Patient Consultation (includes X-rays) from £35.00 Routine Check-Up from £35.00 X-ray from £5.00 Hygienist from £33.00 |
Sexual Health - Heart of Hounslow
miles away
0208 6303295 | NHS | Not applicable |
Fieldway Pharmacy
miles away
01689 843111 | ||
Boots Opticians
miles away
0345 1253764 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test Private Eye Test from £25.00 |