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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
Gregory and Seeley
miles away
01483 272629 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £40.00
Frimley Osteopathic Clinic
miles away
07905 891071 Private Initial consultation (60 min) from £50.00
Follow-up Treatments (45 min) from £40.00
Children under 16yrs and adults over 65yrs from £35.00
Psychologist Farnham
miles away
07949 243275 Private Individual Counselling from £110.00
Couples Counselling from £120.00
Family Counselling from £150.00
St Marks Hospital Primary Care Centre (OOH)
miles away
111 NHS Free on NHS
Farnham Physiotherapy and Sports Clinic
miles away
01252 726479 Private Initial Assessment from £60.00 (45min)
Follow-up Treatment from £43.00 (30min)
Epsom Clinic
miles away
01372 741973 NHS Not applicable
Caterham Dental Care
miles away
01883 343476 NHS Private New Patient Consultation (includes X-rays) from £35.00
Routine Check-Up from £35.00
X-ray from £5.00
Hygienist from £33.00
Sexual Health - Heart of Hounslow
miles away
0208 6303295 NHS Not applicable
Fieldway Pharmacy
miles away
01689 843111
Boots Opticians
miles away
0345 1253764 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £25.00