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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
Hollyfield House
miles away
0208 3398000 NHS Not applicable
Mayfield Dental
miles away
0208 6571291 Private New patient consultation (includes X-rays) from £42.00
X-ray from £7.00
Hygienist from £48.00 (15min)
Examination for under 18 years from £25.00
Garden Clinic: St Mark's Hospital Community Health
miles away
01753 635302 NHS Not applicable
CroyChem Pharmacy
miles away
0208 6810767
Vision Express
miles away
01483 572953 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £25.00
The Guildford Private General Practice
miles away
01483 826367 Private Private GP Consultation from £85.00
Laura Worsfold Osteopathy
miles away
01483 418103 Private Initial Consultation (60 mins) from £45.00
Follow-up Treatments (30 mins) from £38.00
Mum and Baby Consultation (60 mins) from £60.00
Carlton Psychology - Dr Rebecca Ker
miles away
07971 178159 Private Free Initial Consultation (30min)
Individual Counselling from £80.00 per session
Couples Counselling from £100.00 per session
Concessions available
Horsham Minor Injuries Unit
miles away
01403 227000 ext. 7202 NHS Free on NHS
Claire Arthur Acupuncture Therapy Godalming
miles away
01483 414939 / 07969 770356 Private Treatment Session from £45.00