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Name | Telephone | NHS/Private | Cost |
Hollyfield House
miles away
0208 3398000 | NHS | Not applicable |
Mayfield Dental
miles away
0208 6571291 | Private |
New patient consultation (includes X-rays) from £42.00 X-ray from £7.00 Hygienist from £48.00 (15min) Examination for under 18 years from £25.00 |
Garden Clinic: St Mark's Hospital Community Health
miles away
01753 635302 | NHS | Not applicable |
CroyChem Pharmacy
miles away
0208 6810767 | ||
Vision Express
miles away
01483 572953 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test Private Eye Test from £25.00 |
The Guildford Private General Practice
miles away
01483 826367 | Private | Private GP Consultation from £85.00 |
Laura Worsfold Osteopathy
miles away
01483 418103 | Private |
Initial Consultation (60 mins) from £45.00 Follow-up Treatments (30 mins) from £38.00 Mum and Baby Consultation (60 mins) from £60.00 |
Carlton Psychology - Dr Rebecca Ker
miles away
07971 178159 | Private |
Free Initial Consultation (30min) Individual Counselling from £80.00 per session Couples Counselling from £100.00 per session Concessions available |
Horsham Minor Injuries Unit
miles away
01403 227000 ext. 7202 | NHS | Free on NHS |
Claire Arthur Acupuncture Therapy Godalming
miles away
01483 414939 / 07969 770356 | Private | Treatment Session from £45.00 |