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Name | Telephone | NHS/Private | Cost |
Holmwood Corner Surgery
miles away
0208 9420066 | NHS | Not applicable |
Shirley Dental Practice
miles away
0208 6567627 | Private |
New patient Consultation from £42.00 Routine Check-up from £33.00 Xray from £9.00 Hygienist from £50.00 (30min) |
Better2know - Slough
miles away
0207 0990955 | Private |
Full STI Screen from £295.00 (7 tests) Platinum Screen from £495.00 (11 tests) |
Boots Pharmacy
miles away
0208 6861114 | ||
John Harwood
miles away
01483 575650 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test Private Eye Test from £49.00 |
Surrey GP
miles away
01483 230481 | Private | Private GP Consultation from £100.00 (weekday) and from £135.00 (weekends) |
The Smithbrook Clinic
miles away
01483 275500 | Private |
Initial Consulatation (60 min) from £50.00 Follow-up Treatments (45 min) from £50.00 |
Malcolm Murray Counselling
miles away
07768 105204 | Private |
Individual Counselling from £50.00 (55mins) Couple Counselling from £60.00 (55min) Concessions available |
Crawley Hospital Urgent Treatment Centre (Urgent Care Centre/OOH)
miles away
01293 600300 ext. 4141 or 4142 | NHS | Free on NHS |
Cranfold Physical Therapy Centre
miles away
01483 542020 | NHS Private | Treatment Session from £50.00 (45min) or from £42.00 (30min) |