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Name | Telephone | NHS/Private | Cost |
miles away
0208 9749331 | NHS | Not applicable |
Wickham Road Dental Clinic
miles away
0208 7772040 | Private |
New Patient Consultation is free Routine Check-up from £36.00 X-ray from £10.50 Hygienist from £39.52 |
Garden Clinic: Upton Hospital
miles away
01753 635302 | NHS | Not applicable |
ASDA Pharmacy
miles away
0208 6837610 | ||
The Glasses Shop
miles away
01483 452787 | Private | No Eye Testing |
Crondall New Surgery
miles away
01252 850292 | NHS |
Private Certificates and Medical as per BMA (confirm when booking) Private Certificates from £25.00 |
Avalon Osteopathy
miles away
07989 907116 | Private |
Initial Consultation (60 min) from £45.00 Follow-up Treatments (30 min) from £45.00 (up to 45 mins from £67.50) Children - initial consultation (45 min) from £37.00 and follow-up treatments (30 min) from £37.00 |
Andrea Inner Strength
miles away
0777 0672122 | Private | Individual Counselling from £70.00 (60min) |
Dorking Primary Care Centre (OOH)
miles away
111 | NHS | Free on NHS |
Cranfold Physical Therapy Centre
miles away
01483 267747 | NHS Private | Treatment Session from £50.00 (45min) or from £42.00 (30min) |