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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
The Wolverton Centre for Sexual Health
miles away
0208 9749331 NHS Not applicable
Gentle Dental Care - Wickham Road
miles away
0208 6551118 Private New Patient Consultation from £65.00
Routine Check-up from £65.00
Hygienist from £65.00
Better2know - Haywards Heath
miles away
0207 0990955 Private Full STI Screen from £295.00 (7 tests)
Platinum Screen from £495.00 (11 tests)
Lafford Chemist
miles away
0208 6886200
David Clulow Opticians
miles away
01483 453339 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £25.00
Richmond Surgery
miles away
01252 811477 NHS Private Certificates and Medical as per BMA (confirm when booking)
Guildford Osteopath
miles away
01483 338238 Private Initial Consultation(45 min) from £48.00
Follow-up Treatments (30 min) from £42.00
Carlton Psychology
miles away
0770 2664894 Private Individual Counselling from £70.00 (50min)
Couples Counselling from £90.00 (60min)
Free Initial Consultation (30min)
miles away
111 NHS Free on NHS
Gotham Physio
miles away
07776 055382 Private Initial Assessment from £58.00 per session
Follow-up Treatment from £48.00 per session