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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
Scorpio Clinics
miles away
01344 845801 Private Treatment Session from £47.00 per session
Care Dental Smile Studio
miles away
0208 5702526 NHS Private New Patient Consultation from £35.00
Routine Check-up from £35.00
X-ray from £5.00
Emergency Appointment from £45.00
Child Check-up from £25.00 (under 12 years)
Ashford Physiotherapy
miles away
017842 12626 Private Initial Assessment from £45.00
Follow- up Treatment from £45.00 (30min)
Mydentist- Staines Road - Hounslow
miles away
0208 5700505 NHS Private New Patient Consultation from £40.00
Routine Check-up from £40.00
X-ray from £10.50
Hygienist from £45.00 (20min) or from £68.00 (30min)
Sunbury Physiotherapy
miles away
01932 785815 Private Initial Assessment from £50.00
Follow-up Treatment from £40.00 per session
Orthosmile - Hounslow
miles away
0208 8141422 NHS Private New Patient Consultation (includes X-rays) from £80.00
PhysioT Mobile Physiotherapy
miles away
07813 919661 Private Treatment Session from £55.00 - from £85.00 per session
Home Visit from £55.00 - from £85.00
The Family Dental Practice
miles away
0208 5722076 NHS Private New Patient Consultation from £75.00
Routine Check-up from £60.00
X-ray from £15.00
Hygienist from from £40.00
Physio Qinetics Physiotherapy
miles away
017845 32388 Private Initial Assessment from £55.00
Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 (30min)
Berkeley Dental Practice
miles away
0208 8978551 NHS Private New Patient Consultation from £30.00 (includes X-ray)
Routine Check-up from £30.00 (includes X-ray)
Hygienist (done by dentist) from from £20.60