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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
Performance Physiotherapy
miles away
0208 3322467 Private Initial Assessment from £57.00 (60min)
Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 (30min)
Cross Deep Dental Practice
miles away
0208 8921196 Private New Patient Consultation (includes X-rays) from £69.00
Routine Check-up (includes X-rays) from £69.00
Hygienist from £69.00
Child Routine Check-up from £25.00 (under 18 years)
Child Hygienist Appointment from £39.00
Integrated Care Clinics
miles away
0800 0325543 Private Treatment Session from £30.00 (30min)
Simply Dental
miles away
0208 7448070 Private New Patient Consultation Free
Routine Check-up from from £45.00
Hygienist from from £75.00 (60min)
Emergency Appointment from £30.00 (in hours) and from £95.00 (out of hours)
The Waldegrave Clinic
miles away
0208 9432424 Private Initial Assessment from £57.00 (45min)
Follow-up Treatment from £47.00 (30min)
Montrose Smile Studio
miles away
0208 8944639 Private New Patient Consultation from £42.00
Routine Check-up from £30.00
Xray from £13.00
Hygienist (first visit) from £85.00 or from £65.00 thereafter
Child Check-up Free (under 6 years) or from £7.50 (7-12 years) or from £15.00 (13-18years)
Physio and Therapy London
miles away
0208 9432240 Private Initial Assessment from £59.00 (45min)
Follow-up Treatment from £56.00 (30min)
Whitton Corner Dental Practice
miles away
0203 4585310 NHS Private NHS Price Banding Applies
Hygienist from £55.00 (30min)
Teddington Physio and Pilates
miles away
07739 802842 Private Initial Assessment from £50.00
Follow-up Treatment from £65.00 (60min) or from £45.00 (35min)
Dhiman Dental
miles away
0208 8943141 NHS Private New Patient Consultation from £25.00
Routine Check-up from £25.00
X-ray from £4.00
Hygienist from £49.00 (30min)