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Name | Telephone | NHS/Private | Cost |
Apple Physiotherapy
miles away
01344 489398 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £95.00 (60min) or from £80.00 (45min) Follow-up Treatment from £55.00 (30min) |
Slipshoe Street Dental Surgery
miles away
01737 221750 | NHS Private |
New Patient Consultation from £35.00 Routine Check-up from £25.00 X-ray from £8.00 Hygienist from £48.00 |
Superdrug Pharmacy
miles away
01753 861666 | ||
Thamesway Physio
miles away
01344 454626 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £58.00 (60min) Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 per session |
Reigate Specialist Orthodontic Practice
miles away
01737 241017 | Private |
New Patient Consultation from £80.00 Child New Patient Consultation from £40.00 (under 10 years) or from £60.00 (10 - 19 years) |
Friary Pharmacy
miles away
01753 862551 | ||
Ann Physiocare
miles away
03301 242392 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £35.00 (35min) Follow-up Treatment from £30.00 (30min) Home visit from £45.00 per session |
Surrey Dental Specialists
miles away
01306 885898 | Private |
New Patient Specialist Consultation (includes X-rays) from £150.00 Routine Check-up (includes X-rays) from £40.00 Hygienist from £55.00 (per session) Child Routine Check-up from £25.00 |
Saunders FG & Co
miles away
01753 863775 | ||
Integrated Care Clinics
miles away
0800 0325543 | NHS Private | Not Applicable |