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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
The Physio Company
miles away
01372 464968 Private Initial Assessment from £60.00 (45min)
Follow-up Treatment from £48.00 (30min)
Finest Dental Wokingham
miles away
0800 7566860 Private Initial Consultation Free
Routine check-up from £24.99/month through dental plan
Hygienist from £24.99/month through dental plan
Day Lewis Pharmacy
miles away
01342 313840
Epsom and St Helier University Hospital
miles away
01932 584202 NHS Not Applicable
Wokingham Smiles
miles away
0118 9795559 Private New Patient Consultation from £45.00
Routine check-up from £45.00
X-ray from £5.00
Hygienist from £50.00 - from £70.00 (30min)
Child Check up from £15.00 (under 11 years) or from £35.00 (12-16 years)
Lloyds Pharmacy
miles away
01342 323003
Body Mechanics
miles away
01932 253500 Private Initial Assessment from £59.00 (45min)
Follow-up Treatment from £49.00 (30min)
Beechcroft Dental Practice
miles away
0118 9783815 Private New Patient Consultation (includes X-rays) from £60.00
Routine Check-up from £42.00
X-ray from £12.00
Hygienist from £55.00
Child Check-up Free (under 7 years) or from £20.00 (7-18 years)
Lloyds Pharmacy
miles away
01342 322239
Cobham and Weybridge Physio
miles away
01932 501553 Private Initial Assessment from £65.00 (60min)
Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 (30min)