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Name | Telephone | NHS/Private | Cost |
Thames Acupuncture
miles away
07952 161475 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £60.00 (60min) Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 (40min) |
Smileright Dencare Limited
miles away
01256 816697 | Private |
New Patient Consultation from £17.50 Routine Check-up from £17.50 X-ray from £5.00 Hygienist (Basic) from £45.00 (15min) or Essentials Package from £55.00 Emergency Appointment from £35.00 Child Check-up from £15.00 |
Day Lewis Pharmacy
miles away
01737 642587 | ||
Priory Opticians
miles away
0203 0029723 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test Private Eye Test from £38.00 |
Jane Shattock Physiotherapy
miles away
01252 672655 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £50.00 (60min) Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 (60min) |
Wellbeing Whispers
miles away
07903 424732 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £45.00 (30-45min) Follow-up Treatment from £40.00 (30-60min) |
Chequers Dental Surgery
miles away
01256 321589 | NHS Private |
New Patient Consultation from £40.00 Routine Check-up from £40.00 X-ray from £7.50 Hygienist from £45.00 (30min) |
Day Lewis Pharmacy
miles away
01737 642805 | ||
miles away
0208 8444880 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test and Hearing Test Private Eye Test from £20.00 |
HFS Clinics
miles away
07967 221041 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £50.00 Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 per session |