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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
Scorpio Clinics
miles away
01344 845801 Private Treatment Session from £47.00 per session
Bounty Road Dental Practice
miles away
01256 465764 NHS Private New Patient Consultation from £46.00 (includes X-ray)
Routine Check-up from £30.00
Xray from £8.00
Hygienist from £52.00 (30min)
H A McParland Chemist
miles away
01344 779007
Kirby Opticians
miles away
0203 8713466 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Jane Ireland Physiotherapy
miles away
07950 186997 Private Initial Assessment from £48.00 per session
Follow-up Treatment from £38.00 (30min) or from £48.00 (45min)
Home visit from £68.00 per session
Ashford Physiotherapy
miles away
017842 12626 Private Initial Assessment from £45.00
Follow- up Treatment from £45.00 (30min)
Gwynne Dental
miles away
01256 321945 Private New Patient Consultation from £39.00
Routine Check-up from £39.00
Hygienist from £50.00
Child Check-up Free (under 8 years) or from £12.50 (8 years and over)
The Dolman
miles away
01737 761444
Boots Opticians
miles away
0345 1253764 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £25.00
Jane Ireland Physiotherapy
miles away
01252 793183 Private Initial Assessment from £48.00 per session
Follow-up Treatment from £38.00 (30min) or from £48.00 (45min)
Home visit from £68.00 per session