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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
North Downs Hospital
miles away
01883 348981 Private Initial Assessment from £72.00 (45min)
Follow-up Treatment from £48.00 (30min)
Marie Stopes Woking Vasectomy Centre
miles away
0345 3000212 NHS Private Vasectomy with Local Anaesthetic £469.00
Semen Check Test £30.00 - £40.00
Addiscombe Dental Surgery Croydon
miles away
0208 6541580 NHS Private New Patient Consultation from £35.00 (includes X-rays)
Routine Check-up from £35.00
Hygienist from £50.00 (30min)
Children free on NHS or from £19.70 private.
Sexual Health Surrey - Earnsdale (GU Clinic)
miles away
01732 231350 NHS Not applicable
Boots Pharmacy
miles away
0208 6880806
Heather Bailey Optometrists
miles away
0208 6573525 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £35.00
Princes Gardens Surgery
miles away
01252 332210 NHS Private Certificates and Medical as per BMA (confirm when booking)
Private Certificate from £17.50
Private Medical Examination from £110.00
Private Consultation (10min) from £40.00
Sanderstead Osteopaths
miles away
0208 7760964 Private Initial Consultation (45-60 min) from £47.00
Follow-up Treatments (30 min) from £42.00
Petersfield Community Hospital Minor Injury Unit
miles away
01730 263221 NHS Free on NHS
HB Acupuncture
miles away
01737 644679 / 07733 367989 Private Initial Assessment from from £55.00 (90min)
Follow-up Treatment from £45.00 (50min)