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Name | Telephone | NHS/Private | Cost |
Dr. Ping Ping
miles away
02089 410966 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £40.00 Follow-up Treatment from £40.00 per session |
Dental Centre Limited - Harmanswater
miles away
01344 425522 | NHS Private |
New Patient Check-up from £45.00 (includes X-ray) Routine Check-up from £45.00 (includes X-ray) Hygienist from £45.00 (30min) |
Lloyds Pharmacy
miles away
01344 868486 | ||
Ten the Green Optometrist
miles away
0208 9400010 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test Private Eye Test from £50.00 |
Nuffield Health
miles away
03303 114380 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £65.00 for non-member and from £52.00 for member (45min) Follow-up treatment from £40.00 for non-member and from £32.00 for member (30min) |
Ms. Po-Yee Wong MBAcC
miles away
07960 780078 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £82.00 Follow-up treatment from £50.00 per session |
miles away
01635 299981 | NHS Private |
New Patient Consultation from £60.00 Routine Check-up from £40.00 X-ray from £5.00 Hygienist from £50.00 (20-30min) |
Dukes Pharmacy
miles away
01344 776622 | ||
miles away
0208 9480803 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test Private Eye Test from £39.50 |
Backtogether Physiotherapy
miles away
01428 609975 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £52.00 per session Follow-up Treatment from £42.00 per session |