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Name Telephone NHS/Private Cost
4 C's Acupuncture
miles away
07855 394428 Private Initial Assessment from £50.00 (60min)
Follow-up Treatment from £50.00 (60min)
Sexual Health Surrey- Camberley Health Centre
miles away
01276 21199 NHS Not applicable
Derby Road Dental Practice
miles away
0208 6864469 Private New Patient Consultation from £15.00
Routine Check up from £15.00
X-ray from £5.00
Simple scale and Polish from £25.00
Saint Mary's Hospital
miles away
0300 3002016 NHS Not applicable
Swan Pharmacy
miles away
0208 6881714
Asda Opticians
miles away
0208 6837614 NHS Private Free NHS Eye Test
Private Eye Test from £15.00
The Cambridge Practice
miles away
01252 335400 NHS Private Certificates and Medical as per BMA (confirm when booking)
Private Certificates from £15.00
Private Medical Examinations from £105.00
Private Consultation from £176.50 per hour (10min = £30.00)
Croydon Physiotherapy and Osteopathy
miles away
0208 6513315 Private Initial Consultation (30 min) from £38.00
Follow-up Treatments (30 min) from £38.00
Inner Focus Counselling
miles away
01252 622050 or 07749342040 Private Initial Counselling Session from £30.00
Follow-up Counselling Session from £40.00
Haslemere Minor Injuries Unit
miles away
01483 782334 NHS Free on NHS