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Name | Telephone | NHS/Private | Cost |
MYPT Therapy
miles away
07966 570784 | Private |
Initial Assessment from £85.00 (90min) Follow-up Treatment from £55.00 (60min) |
Young People's Sexual Health Outreach Clinic - Croydon College
miles away
0208 6865700 | NHS | Not applicable |
Whitgift Dental
miles away
0208 6863954 | Private |
New Patient Consultation from £80.00 Routine Check up from £40.00 X-ray from £8.00 Hygienist (30min) from £55.00 |
Better2know - Guildford
miles away
0207 0990955 | Private |
Full STI Screen from £295.00 (7 tests) Platinum Screen from £495.00 (11 tests) |
Day Lewis Pharmacy
miles away
0208 4600346 | ||
Optical Express
miles away
0207 9680904 | NHS Private |
Free NHS Eye Test Private Eye Test from £30.00 (free with a purchase) |
Oakley Group Practice - Yateley Medical Centre
miles away
01252 872333 | NHS |
Private Certificates from £35.00 Private Medical Examinations from £160.00 |
Addiscombe Osteopathic Practice
miles away
0208 656 9573 | Private |
Initial Consultation (45 min) from £40.00 Follow-up Treatments (30 min) from £40.00 |
TalkPlus - Fleet
miles away
01252 533355 | NHS | Free on NHS |
Princess Royal University Hospital Urgent Care Centre (Walk-in Centre)
miles away
01689 863050 | NHS | Free on NHS |