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2017-12-19 08:54:49
I don't know about you, but I love a cappuccino! I do have one most days. It gives me that lunchtime boost to see me through the rest of the day. I spend my days however, advising people to cut down or better still cut out the coffee in a bid to better manage some medical conditions. I do therefore feel a sense of guilt as surely I should be practising what I preach! I was delighted to read an article in the 25th November 2017 issue of the British Medical Journal that coffee may now be good for us after all! The authors of the article pooled data from numerous studies and it appears that 3 cups of coffee a day gave the greatest benefits when it comes to heart disease and stroke reduction. It also lowers the risk of a number of cancers. But how and why? The simple answer - they don't know! Roasted coffee contains over a 1000 bioactive compounds and it may be these that are benefitting us. They however don't know if it makes us live longer and suggest that we should not be increasing our consumption based on this research.

Ok, I won't be increasing my consumption from one cup of coffee a day but thanks to this research, I will feel a little less guilty!

Reference: BMJ 2017;359:j5381
Dr Sarah
10 posts
Status: Offline
Coffee - Good or Bad?
Posted on: 19, Dec 2017 @ 08:54
I don't know about you, but I love a cappuccino! I do have one most days. It gives me that lunchtime boost to see me through the rest of the day. I spend my days however, advising people to cut down or better still cut out the coffee in a bid to better manage some medical conditions. I do therefore feel a sense of guilt as surely I should be practising what I preach! I was delighted to read an article in the 25th November 2017 issue of the British Medical Journal that coffee may now be good for us after all! The authors of the article pooled data from numerous studies and it appears that 3 cups of coffee a day gave the greatest benefits when it comes to heart disease and stroke reduction. It also lowers the risk of a number of cancers. But how and why? The simple answer - they don't know! Roasted coffee contains over a 1000 bioactive compounds and it may be these that are benefitting us. They however don't know if it makes us live longer and suggest that we should not be increasing our consumption based on this research.

Ok, I won't be increasing my consumption from one cup of coffee a day but thanks to this research, I will feel a little less guilty!

Reference: BMJ 2017;359:j5381
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