Free NHS Health Checks - have you had yours?
Did you know that if you are aged between 40 and 74 years, you are entitled to a free NHS Health Check every 5 years? A recent report published in the British Journal of General Practitioners states that over half of those invited to a check do not attend.
Some of the reasons cited for not attending are lack of awareness of the health check and uncertainty about the purpose of the health check. The purpose of the NHS Health Check is to identify those who may have high blood pressure, diabetes or kidney disease. It also seeks to detect those at risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease or stroke. By doing so, one is able to receive the help and support and be offered treatment, where necessary, to help avoid damage to the body. This helps us to survive longer with better quality of life.
Dr. Dawn Harper and patient Ron discuss the importance of the NHS Health Check (Reference NHS Choices 01/01/18)
A typical health check will last from 20 to 30 minutes. During this time the following is likely to happen:
- You will be asked some questions about your family history, whether you smoke or drink and how much.
- Diet and exercise should also be discussed.
- Your weight and height will be measured.
- Your waist circumference may also be measured.
- A blood pressure check will be done.
- You may have a finger prick blood sample or blood test to check your cholesterol and blood sugar.
Health checks are usually done at a GP surgery or local pharmacies. HyaloHealth lists pharmacies close to you who offer this service. Once you have selected pharmacies and entered your postcode, you can narrow your search by ticking the 'NHS Health Checks' service. This makes it easy to find your local service.
If you have not yet had your free NHS Health Check, consider making this one of your priorities for 2018.
Dr. Sarah Carrod
General Practitioner